
EaDo Elite Main


6 x 1 Split Jerk @87.5%

3 x 3 Push Press @87.5%

3 x 5 Shoulder Press @77.5%

Notes: Focus on landing locked on the jerk


3 rounds
10 strict chinups
10 strict handstand pushups
15 dumbell bench press @45/35
10 barbell rows 185/135

Notes: On chin ups, switch width of your grip every round

HSPU Focus on a tight hollow position throughout

On barbell rows focus on full retraction of the shoulder blades


4 rounds for time
7/5 ring muscleups
run 200m
7 Push Jerks @205/125
20 box jumps 24/20

Goal: is sub 13 minutes

EaDo Elite Regional Team Prep


5 X 3 deadlift
@75, 75, 75, 80, 80

7 X 1 haunting clean deadlift @80% of clean 1 rm

EMOM 10 mins increase every 2 mins by 5% start @ 70% of 1 rm clean
1 hang power clean first minute
1 squat clean second minute


3x 90ft sprint
50 unbroken double unders
30 ft front rack lunge 165/115
Rest 60 seconds between efforts

B. 4x 30 on 30 off
Overhead hold 165/115

10 hollow rocks
20 second l-sit hold
20 second GHD parallel hold


3 rounds for time
12 hang power cleans 155/105
12 burpee box jump overs
Rest 1 minute
2 rounds
Row 21 calories
14 chest to bar pullups
7 full snatch 155/105
Rest 1 min
120ft handstand walk for time


Goal Times: 

Sub 5 mins 

Sub 5 mins 

Sub 1 minute 

 EaDo Elite Athletes Grant and Jean  Photo Credit: Sierra Prime 


EaDo Elite Athletes Grant and Jean 


Photo Credit: Sierra Prime 

CrossFit EaDo