

1 Push Jerk at the following weights with 14 mins to accomplish

1. @80
2. @82.5
3. @85%
4. @87.5%
5. @90%
6. @92.5 %
7. @95%


Push Jerks @165/115
3  every 30 seconds for 2mins
3 every 20 seconds for 2mins

rest 2 mins


5 every 30 seconds for 2 mins
5 every 20 seconds for 1 min

Midline Stability: 

4 Rounds
15 GHD Sit - ups
30s Over Load BS Hold


400m Run repets every 2:00/2:10

continue until you cannot make the time cap

Notes: Goal is to get this done with 15-20 seconds to spare every round, should be running at 1 mile pace not 400m sprint pace


 EaDo Elite Athlete Rodrigo Salas performing a snatchPhoto Credit: Sierra Prime


EaDo Elite Athlete Rodrigo Salas performing a snatch

Photo Credit: Sierra Prime

CrossFit EaDo