Why You Should Consider CrossFit Over a Regular Gym

Why You Should Consider CrossFit Over a Regular Gym

CrossFit is a fitness program that places a high emphasis on constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movements. It’s one of the most intense strength and conditioning programs you can engage in. CrossFit includes elements of almost every type of exercise — weightlifting, cardio, and even stretching. Its workouts are so intense that people often describe them as “punishing” or “hellish”. This type of workout is not for everyone, but if you thrive on intensity and crave a challenge, then CrossFit will be perfect for you. Here are some reasons why you should consider CrossFit over a regular gym membership:


CrossFit strengthens your entire body

If you’re used to doing only cardio or lifting weights, training at a CrossFit Gym can help you strengthen the neglected muscles in your body. Regular workouts at a gym mostly target individual muscles groups on certain days. A CrossFit program will help you strengthen your entire body through compound functional movements in a set time limit rather than a repetition count. Instead of focusing on isolation movements like at a regular gym, CrossFit workouts are truly an entire body workout that does not focus on certain muscle groups. You’ll notice that after performing these workouts for a while, you can lift much heavier weights at the gym as well as have better endurance to continue to lift the same amount of weight for more repetitions.


You’ll increase your flexibility and mobility

CrossFit places a high emphasis on stretching and mobility work. CrossFit instructors typically start each class with flexibility training by performing mobility movements related to the exercises for the upcoming workout to ensure that your body is nice and loose. This is a big advantage over regular gym workouts that focus strictly on isolating specific muscle groups. Without proper stretching before and after isolating those muscles, they will begin to tighten up, not in a good way, and can become more and more immobile as you continue to work them out. Many of the CrossFit WODS (Workout of the Day) center around mobility exercises and gymnastics movements. This means that your mobility will improve over time as long as you stay consistent. As you get better at stretching your muscles, you’ll also become more flexible and be able to utilize the strength that your muscles have gained.


CrossFit produces fast results

Because of the high intensity of CrossFit workouts, you can expect to see results from your program fairly quickly, which members love. Most people give up after a few weeks of working out at a regular gym because they aren't seeing results quickly enough. After a couple of weeks, you will begin to notice that your endurance has already begun to improve, and your strength will follow shortly after that. As long as you push your body within its limits, you WILL see results. If you stick with CrossFit long-term, you will see drastic changes in your body composition. If you want to lose weight quickly, then make sure you eat a balanced diet. Although you will naturally lose weight because of the high-intensity training of CrossFit, combining that with a well-balanced, healthy diet will make all the difference in losing weight quickly. Those who are not overweight will most likely see weight increases because of the muscle mass put on. This is a good thing and your body is going to feel much stronger even with the added weight.


CrossFit is constantly varied

Many gyms and workout programs have a set structure that you follow for a few weeks or months. After the program ends, it usually wants you to start back over from the beginning but use the gains that you made throughout the program. This can get boring. CrossFit is different. Every day is different, so you’ll never get bored. Although many think these are random workouts, there is a purpose to every WOD that you have. In CrossFit, we call this General Physical Preparedness (GPP), and the overall goal is to help you become better at daily tasks depending on your level. This could mean doing something simple like bending down and picking up something heavy or improving your physical ability at recreational sports. Whatever your specific goal is for joining a CrossFit box, you will constantly be challenged with different workouts which crossfitters have found to be more motivating to continue progress longer.


CrossFit can help you develop mental toughness

CrossFit workouts are designed to push you to your limits. This means that you’ll often be in pain. As long as you are performing the exercises properly, this is good pain. It may take a while to get used to, but it’s all part of the process. The more pain you’re in, the harder you’re working, and this is what helps you build mental toughness. Coaches are there to help guide you through the exercises but are also there to help motivate you and push you harder than you thought your body could go. At a regular gym, you are the only motivating factor to continue to push your body, and let's be honest, many of us just do not test our bodies as we should. This is a huge benefit of CrossFit, one that many people easily overlook.


The Bottom Line

CrossFit is designed to give you the best possible workout. It's about creating workouts that will help you stay fit and in shape and increase your overall health. CrossFit is known for its intensity and focus on specific movements that are used in exercise programs like weightlifting, pullups, pullups, and squat sets. CrossFit isn't just about lifting weights and working out at the gym like most people think. It provides an extensive list of exercises, many that are never seen at other gym programs. CrossFit isn't just for seasoned gym veterans anymore. If you're new to the gym and are looking for something different, CrossFit might be right for you.

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